Saturday, August 31, 2019

Comparison Of Napoleon And Hitler Essay

The world as we know it has seen the likes of the most feared and infamous dictators and military geniuses. Some of these people have even shaped the way the world is today and their influences are still felt. Among such dictators are Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler, leaders of France and Germany respectively at two different periods. Adolf Hitler’s reign of power begins in 1933 when he is appointed Chancellor of Germany and his reign ends with his suicidal death on April 30 1945. Napoleon Bonaparte’s reign of military power begins in 1783 until he resigns in 1814, yet he has a slight military rebirth after that but it only lasts for a very short time. Both leaders’ careers are filled with massive successes yet they are also littered with massive defeats that truly change the way the world is today. Although these leaders can be considered geniuses, it does not mean they are perfect and not susceptible to the pull of human nature. Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte are two of the foremost military strategists and totalitarian leaders yet both had lapses in their judgment, both exhibit episodes of cowardice and both fail in their battles with Russia, ultimately ending their reigns. Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte both have several lapses in judgment on the battlefield, and in the planning rooms, during their reigns. While these lapses in judgment immediately may not result in the defeat of an army, when they are added together the results can and often were disastrous. Though Hitler had a strong army that could fight well, the mismanagement of that army and the people around it eventually lead to his personal demise as well as his army’s demise. Napoleon too is responsible for making several irresponsible and debilitating decisions during his reign. The Rhineland, a buffer zone between France and Germany that was formed at the end of World War I in the treaty of Versailles, is a very sensitive area that cannot be occupied by any German military forces. When Adolf Hitler announces to his political party and advisors that he wants to occupy this area, they are incredibly shocked and disappointed at their leader, as this would bring massive retaliations from the French and its allies. Amazingly enough, Hitler gambles on this decision and wins, as the French are initially shocked and eventually just let it go, giving Germany a front in which to attack France from. This action is discussed by all of the leagues and officials at this time and it still is accepted and Germany receives no penalty for occupying the Rhineland. If there had been opposition stemming from this incident though, the Germans would surely have been destroyed, as their army is not even close to being prepared for a major battle. The second decision that Hitler puts into effect is the occupation of Czechoslovakia, an occupation that sends to the rest of Europe the message that Hitler is hungry for land. Most states do not voice their opinion at this stage of Hitler’s reign though, and the one of the only areas that at least thinks about stopping Hitler is France. Hitler’s decisions continue to upset France and throw the balance of European power into a chaotic state. First the Rhineland is occupied by Germany, and now Czechoslovakia is taken by force; these tactics taken by Germany make France decide that the next detrimental decision made by Hitler should have a detrimental effect on his own forces, an effect that will be delivered personally by the French forces. The third decision that Hitler executes improperly is the invasion of Poland at the precursor of World War Two. With Germany simply ignoring the previous alliance with Poland it makes it very hard for Hitler to convince other nations and people to trust him. He also makes it seem that he is only running military maneuvers in the area, which is another example of how other political leaders can distrust him. Because of these decisions, Italy will not fight on Germany’s side and Germany’s unwillingness to back from Poland prompts France and Britain to prematurely enter into direct conflict with Germany, a conflict that Hitler does not believe will take place. Although the Germans easily win the Polish War, it sets an ominous tone for the events to come. Perhaps one of the biggest lapses in judgment that Hitler makes during World War II is the Battle of Britain. Operation Sea Lion definitely is not a success for Germany as they lose their battle as well as fully bring Britain into the war. The people of the beleaguered Great Britain, which is under constant attack at all times, are drawn together to fully strengthen the war cause. If there was ever any doubt about why Hitler and Germany should be  stopped it is pushed away and full on hatred for Germany forms. Germany’s Luftwaffe loses quite heavily as its planes and equipment simply is not up to the English advances in technology, such as radar. The Battle of Britain is an unnecessary and disastrous venture for the Germans and they are faced with heavy losses and morale issues, as Berlin is counter attacked by British warplanes with relative success. Another small defeats adding up to a huge failure in the long wrong include losing the campaign in North Africa, and leaving forces in the area for quite some time while the rest of the war continues. These supplies could have been used for other campaigns occurring at the time and the tanks that are being utilized in North Africa can also be used in the defence of Germany when Allied forces invade it. Napoleon Bonaparte too is susceptible to making bad decisions. While his early military career is littered with amazing and wild successes, his first campaign in the East is a miserable failure. While the initial invasion is a success, the British forces catch most of France’s navy anchored and destroy it, thus leaving much of France’s army stranded in Egypt, Napoleon included. With plague and the constant destruction of French forces, Napoleon knows that the campaign is doomed to failure and leaves his men to die in Egypt while he makes his way towards France once again. The way Napoleon and his soldiers conduct themselves in their occupied Spain is also quite disturbing. After taking over Spain there are continual attempts by the people to overtake their new French government. Napoleon does not take kindly to such actions and begins the slaughtering and torture of his enemies. Napoleon and his men before simply did not practice this type of warfare and now getting into this type of war is definitely the wrong thing to do. There is no definite winner or loser in Spain as Napoleon simply keeps it occupied with soldiers for five years. The most incredible lapse of judgment of both Hitler and Napoleon occurs when they both decide that they want to conquer Russia. Hitler and Bonaparte both failed in Russia thus ending their full-fledged military advancement. The  Russian campaign is considered a huge failure asked for by Hitler and Napoleon. Each leader’s decision for invading Russia is very different with Hitler invading for lebensraum (space for living) and Napoleon invading to somewhat defend France with Russian forces on France’s borders. While both reasons can be seen as rational to a totalitarian leader, neither leader could decide just what to do while inside of the Red country. Although both campaigns lasted much longer than expected, with Hitler and his advisors expecting Operation Barbarossa (the German codename for the invasion) to be a success in eight to ten weeks and Napoleon prophesized his battles would be complete within twenty days. While both can be reasonable estimates while simply looking at the equipment, training, and manpower involved, the leaders of both campaigns do not factor in human resistance, weather, and simply sheer luck. Both campaigns immediately take the same face from the get go, with both forces finding very slim lines of defence to stop them. While Hitler simply engages and destroys the forthcoming Russian defence, Napoleon is faced with a much more daunting situation as the Russian forces employ a strong scorched earth policy, leaving nothing behind for Napoleon’s forces to use for the remainder of the campaign. Because of this policy Napoleon and his forces dwindle on a massive scale, as soldiers fall out from exhaustion, sickness, and desertion at a staggering rate of five thousand per day. After two months, and before Napoleon’s forces could fight a single major battle, one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers are out of action. One of the most disabling situations that occur in Germany’s quest for Russian supremacy is the continual confusion and debate occurring between Hitler and his cabinet, something that many believe cannot happen in a totalitarian regime. Hitler continually intervened on his advisor’s decisions and made all final decisions on his own, something that is very dangerous when you consider Hitler’s mental stability. In Russia he changes his mind several times before settling for Leningrad as the primary objective and Moscow as the secondary objective in Barbarossa, much to the chagrin of his advisors. In what could be one of the unlikely and unusual decisions of the campaign, Hitler decides to merely surround Leningrad  instead of taking it by force, something that could be accomplished within weeks. Instead of actually taking Leningrad, Hitler then decides that Moscow is the primary objective after all and sends a bulk of his forces towards it. The first of Germanyâ €™s weather problems occurs in the taking of Moscow as heavy rainfall hinders the German offensive. An additional major mistake that can be attributed to Napoleon’s downfall in Russia is the fact that great portions of his fighting forces are not even French. Due to this situation most of these soldiers simply left because they did not have a personal attachment to the cause. The fight was being fought simply for the fulfillment of their leaders’ alliance with Napoleon. Hitler could not crush the Russian cities while he had the chance and Napoleon waited too long to retreat. This fact coupled with Russia’s troops fighting in a religious manner results in a downshift in Russian morale. Although Napoleon successfully takes Moscow he accomplishes it in a ridiculous manner. He does not fight the strategic battle style that he is greatly known for and simply throws throngs of his soldiers at the inspired Russians and although his forces do win the battle it does not come with massive personnel and morale losses. The scorched earth policy being employed by the Russian forces definitely takes a dramatic increase when the French forces take Moscow. When Napoleon and his forces enter Moscow they find it mainly abandoned and by the end of the night it begins to burn with fire, fire lit by the Russians themselves. French forces cannot stay in Moscow and use its shelter, food, and water resulting in a losing situation for France. The scorched earth policy also takes a very crucial part in Russia’s victory in Operation Barbarossa as Stalin implores his soldiers and citizens to employ such a tactic that would deprive the oncoming Germans of important supplies. This can lead one to believe that the Russian campaign is won on the basis of nationalism and the idea of helping your fellow citizen the same that you help yourself, a very basic and fundamental communist belief. While all of the other factors involved in taking Russia are very important and crucial, by far the most important of them is the Russian winters that decimated both offensive forces. The winter to Napoleon means the end of his campaign in Russia, and the end of his military supremacy. The Tsar of Russia uses the winter as a great defensive tool as he knows that the French forces cannot take a winter battle and he is definitely correct. The French forces disembark from Moscow in the fall and three weeks later the harsh Russian winter arrives. The temperatures quickly fell and so too did the number of soldiers. The French simply cannot survive with starvation, fatigue, and the extreme cold constantly hounding them. With few French soldiers behind him, Napoleon finally returns to the French capital faced with the daunting task of rationalizing his disgusting defeat. The few Russian winters that Germany has to deal with are among the worst the world has ever seen. In the December 1941 to March 1942 portion of the campaign Germany suffers heavy losses and cannot take Moscow, Hitler’s prime directive and the German forces now have to halt their offensive. In the winter the German forces take a huge blow as the Russians accomplish counter offensive attacks. These attacks are highly successful due to the failing equipment of the Germans coupled with the lack of personal equipment such as jackets and proper footwear coupled with Hitler forcing the soldiers to not retreat and make the soldiers fight as long as they can. The German military commander resigns during this time due to Hitler being overbearing and Hitler takes full command of the forces. Finally realizing his forces are being decimated on a massive scale, Hitler calls for full withdrawal in January, a task that is much easier said than done. Oddly enough, Hitler actually gains more support from his soldiers and the citizens at home because of his actions. Again, though, Hitler begins the spring and summer offensive with relative success and then begins to lose it again. The Russian front is much too large for Germany and its now dwindling supply of soldiers and forces are being spread much too thin. The country is simply much too large to be taken for Germany and Hitler soon begins realizing this. Russia forces Germany  into a war of attrition that is simply cannot compete with and Hitler must withdraw all offensive troops except ones stationed at Stalingrad and other very important points. Eventually, during the following winter the Germans are once again decimated by Russian forces and are forced to evacuate from Stalingrad after many requests to Hitler. Although Hitler makes many plans and tries to implement them with relative success, the German withdrawal takes place between 1943-1944. The German forces are finally removed from the Russian territory with a resounding sense of success emanating from the allies. The defeat of Germany in Russia very greatly depletes the Germans of supplies and forces the Germans to now fight on many fronts while throwing the German military strategists into a state of confusion. Further bombing runs by England begin to eliminate most of the raw materials processing plants employed by the Germans. The invasion of Normandy is carried out by the Allied forces with success and the liberation of Germany begins, and all simply because the taking of Russia is not accomplished. While both Hitler and Napoleon are widely considered military geniuses their lack of effective judgment, courage, and success in Russia equaled a long and tiring end to their military careers.

Friday, August 30, 2019

China and Japan’s Responses to Western Influence Essay

During the 19th and 20th centuries, much of the western world had at the very least, begun to modernize. Countries on this side of the globe were becoming booming metropolises. Trade with many other nations brought lots of new things to these western countries and also resulted in the Europeans observing a good deal of places that were not yet modernized. These observations later lead to the western nations wanting to make changes. They began trying to do this by setting up spheres of influence, sending missionaries, proposing treaties and other agreements, and in some cases, completely taking over. Some countries fought back, and resisted modernization, and others submitted to the inevitable changes that were coming their way. China and Japan are great examples of this, both countries were strongly opposed to Western influence but in the end, the two countries reacted to the changes very differently. Prior to western contact, China and Japan held the belief that they were superior civilizations. Both countries felt that any contact with westerners would corrupt their perfect societies. Also, because they felt they already were perfect, they didn’t think modernization was necessary. The people of both countries were comfortable with their traditional, more old fashioned ways of life and saw no reason to change. The westerners however, would not take no for an answer, they were determined to make China open ports to them so they could trade and work to modernize the country. The westerners were very interested in obtaining silk and tea from China but the problem was, the westerners didn’t have anything the Chinese wanted in exchange besides gold and silver. This resulted in an unfavorable balance of trade. To fix this, the westerners really needed something the Chinese wanted so they began growing opium in India and illegally smuggling it into China. The habit of opium smoking caught on quickly and as a result, the western people were making a great deal of money. Overtime, more than 12 million people developed addictions to the drug. Seeing how this substance was harming China’s people, the government made opium illegal and wanted it out of their country for good. The  westerners opposed this decision and not long after, took China to war and conquered them. Following the war, the Treaty of Nanjiing was signed and the Chinese were forced to open up more ports and allow westerners into their country. This eventually lead to the modernization of China. Next on the western nations’ list was Japan. It all started with commodore Matthew Perry, he sailed to Japan and requested that the Japanese aid people of the US and Europe if they came to the shores of the country. Only a year after Perry first made his request to the Japanese, the Great White Fleet made a voyage back to Japan to reiterate the request. The Japanese, unlike the Chinese did not fight back, but agreed and the Treaty of Kanagawa was signed which opened ports for trade and ensured fair treatment and extraterritoriality for sailors. Now that Japan had opened up its shores to the westerners, the next thing they wanted to do was get Japan to modernize. Again, unlike China, Japan did not put up a fight, but decided to accept the inevitable changes that were soon to come. So, the Japanese began studying and adopting the western way of life and ended up modernizing in a period of three short years. In conclusion, although in the beginning, both China and Japan were firm believers in isolationism and did not want anything to do with western countries, once faced with the issue of western contact and modernization, the two countries responded very differently. China fought back and had to overcome many hardships and fight in terrible wars that cost many people their lives which left a lasting and devastating impact on the country. Japan on the other hand, accepted the change and avoided a great deal of violence and struggle. Although China and Japan had very different responses, it is clear that western contact and modernization changed both countries forever.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

National Honors Society Essay Essay

If I had the power to change three things in my school or community, I would obligate all high school students to take a culture and religion class to educate students about people’s various beliefs and customs. Secondly, I would encourage students to take higher level academic classes instead of just the basics. We would send students into freshmen classrooms to and inform them about the benefits of taking some of the tougher classes. At the the same time we are trying to erase some of the misconceptions about the upper level math and science courses. Finally, I would encourage hosting more community activities. Living in the age of globalization, it is crucial for schools to offer a class that teaches global culture, including as well as the beliefs of various ethnic and religious groups. Offering such a class would be a crucial improvement in our school. We all are aware of the importance of obtaining a good education and the highest degrees in the latest and best technolog ies. In preparation for that we take the hardest classes in school and try to get into the most illustrious college and learn, but, alas, we forget the most important aspect of life: ______. We always forget that what is even more important than understanding the world in which we live in and how it functions and its sciences, is understanding each other and how we as individuals functions based on our beliefs and culture. In the real word, disagreement arises from the inability to understand someone else’s approach to something, especially if they come from a different background than you. On a bigger scale, disputes between countries due to our lack of understanding of others and their customs can often lead to war. So much unnecessary conflict arises from our ignorance and lack of education we receive from school. Therefore, making such a class mandatory for all students would also indubitably trigger healthy relationships throughout the student body, instead of the stereotypical malice that currently flows around. Secondly, I would encourage the student body to take more challenging courses. In high school, we all think about having fun and making the most of these four years, especially during our senior year. Nonetheless, we fail to realize how valuable our time is in high school. How we spend this time determines what colleges we get entry to, what scholarships you receive, but also our future career. Students often surmise that the higher level math and sciences courses are only for  Ã¢â‚¬Å"nerds† and fail to realize the benefits, including how much money it will save them in college. Therefore, I would like to create a program where students who have taken theses higher level courses go around the school during the two-week period when everyone is choosing courses for the next year and discuss the benefits of taking classes such as AP Calculus, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and AP Physics. Furthermore, this would also clear up some of the appalling misconceptions created about some of these classes. For instance, during a personal encounter I had with a student who I was helping with math homework, she asked what math class I was in. To which I replied, â€Å"I am taking AP Calculus†. She immediately replied with comments such as, â€Å"Why bother, it’s a waste of time. No one ever use Calculus in the real world except if you’re a rocket scientist.† Obviously, she made an illegitimate claim. I had to explain to her that, in fact, the type of math most applied in any career is calculus, as it helps solve 80% of real-world problems and much more applicable than algebra or trigonometry. Reasons and encounters as such is what motivates me to create such programs so students can benefit from them and make the most out of high school. Finally, I would encourage hosting more community activities. We already have a town square where we celebrate the first Friday of every month with a small carnival. But with our small community size and our extremely diverse population, we could host annual picnics where people bring traditional dishes, stage a mixture of cultural performances, and, overall, just have a good time with each other. This kind of exposure is very beneficial for everyone, especially employees and their colleagues. Not knowing about your colleagues and their entertainment and food preferences could create unnecessary problems. One might accidently comment or reference something that is offensive to their co workers creating a spark that could potentially ignite a fire. There are many changes that can be brought to the community and school that would be very beneficial. But if I had the power to change three things in my school or community, I would obligate all high school students to take a culture and r eligion class, encourage students to take higher level academic classes instead of just the basics, and I would encourage hosting more community activities.

Personnel Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Personnel Management - Assignment Example Personnel management requires a sound management since we need to evaluate the status of the personnel activities. This is because there are a number of functions carried out in the personnel department that include: recruitment, training, rewarding, appraising, dismissing etc. To run the personnel department, the concerned individuals need to know the entire organisation and all the employees qualifications needed for various positions. Hence, understanding of personnel management models and theories is very essential. Models and theories of personnel management assist our understanding of the role of personnel management in an organisation. Legge (1978) characterises four models of personnel management. The four models of personnel management includes: Normative, Descriptive-functional, Critical-evaluative and Descriptive-behavioural. In normative framework, the personnel manager speaks about employees in the context of teams, quality, empowerment and creativity. The underpinning of the manager's opinion, norms and values about the people who work for them are reflected in McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. (Storey, 1995) In a cold or harsh organisation, the firm's manager may be distant, erratic, and negative or cod. Their value may be coercive or exploitive as far as their behaviours are concerned. In such circumstances the personnel department: Keep salaries, wages and terms and conditions of employment very low They hire casual labourers only They behave with insensitivity towards employees The employees are supervised thoroughly as they work The employees do not develop deep seated trust in management because of the management behaviours. These norms and behaviours fall outside the welfare, participation and empowerment norms of the neo-human relations school which include: the welfare, participation and empowerment norms of the neo-human relations school which might include the following: Encouraging people to be part of a team Responding to the aspirations of individual members of the organisation Having employment policies that reflect broad societal needs for fairness and equity By seeking secure optimum utilisation of the human resources of the organisation by fitting the right people into the right jobs with the right rewards Putting emphasise on getting results through people by securing their commitment not by coercive or demanding means. The mangers behaving consistently and with sensitivity to the needs of others by applying sound planning, organisation, communication, motivation and controlling activities to acquire, develop, maintain and use the workforce effectively and economically. Normative emphasis may be pluralistic rather than unitary. Management's role and functional human resource management policies are emphasised even more where are different vested interests and a potential for conflict between groups whose objectives are different. Managers must manage conflict in professional ways being primarily responsible for taking the initiative, developing institutional relationships and mechanisms to anticipate problems and minimise the potential for damaging conflicts of right and interest, consulting and negotiating,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why God Allowed Sin into the World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why God Allowed Sin into the World - Essay Example This paper illustrates that many definitions are in use in establishing the real meaning of sin. Among the many definitions, many individuals commonly use two. Sin is the violation of an ideal relationship that exists between God and an individual or sin also involves from the ideal order of human beings. Indeed, the two definitions provide a good foundation for the understanding of sin and the various aspects pertaining to it. On such an understanding on what sin is, determining the major reasons contributing to why God allowed sin into the world remains a significantly easy task. Many question the reason why God permits sin to reign in the world, which causes great suffering among many individuals, despite His all-powerful nature. Sin originated from the Garden of Eden after the disobedience of Adam and Eve, after doing contrary to the will of God. Such an understanding brings about two major reasons as to why God allowed sin into the world. God allowed sin into the world in order to manifest his true nature and other valuable lessons. God allows sin into the world as a proof that indeed sin and its evil nature are malignant, and that the suffering attributed to sin, proofs that any contrast to God’s will results in suffering, pain, and finally leads to death. God's nature manifests best in human beings through suffering, considering that during sufferings, many individuals tend to tighten their relationship with God.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Personal journal entry 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal journal entry 4 - Essay Example However, the court identified that this kind of relationship can contain important traits of family that symbolizes the changing social situations. It is clear that the number of individuals that qualify to be a family under the law has expanded2. The case clearly demonstrated that due to the changing modern beliefs the two men living together were ‘family’. During the case, the court researched and confirmed a wide role meaning of ‘family’. The idea is a collection of combined attributes that can be looked at independently or as an entity. The meaning of family can be confirmed when one analysis the supposed roles discharged in the relationship3. The judges in this legal resolution held that a difference could not be seen by a same-sex couple staying together and the opposite sexes couple, in terms of affection and love4. In this case, Mr. Fitzpatrick succeeded on the basis of ‘assured’ tenant and not statutory tenant because he did not qualify as a spouse5. In addition, the ruling was made in consideration of the characteristics defined by the 1920 Act that were satisfied by Mr. Fitzpatrick and his partner that fell under the term

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Balance Scorecard (BSC) in practice- the factors affecting the Essay

The Balance Scorecard (BSC) in practice- the factors affecting the successful implementation of a BSC - Essay Example Norton and Robert S. Kaplan (Punniyamoorthy & Murali, 2008). Balance Scorecard helps in implementing the organizational strategies in terms of actionable plan and make it a thorough continual process by providing a comprehensive road map of how to effectively carry out strategy, including the alignment and mobilization of the management team and other employees (Punniyamoorthy & Murali, 2008). According to Harvard Business Review, the Balance Scorecard is one of the most influential management ideas of the past 75 years (Palladium, n.d.). Today, many large, medium-sized and even small organizations use the Balance Scorecard as a performance measurement system, but usually small and medium-size companies fail to successfully implement that. This happens generally due to the gap between their strategies and vision. This paper is based on the concept of Balance Scorecard. The essay starts with the introduction, followed by a thorough understanding of the Balance Scorecard, with the significant reviews of the applicable literature, including factors that obstructs the successful execution of a Balance Scorecard. The Balance Scorecard is a tool that helps the organizations to create a link between its strategy and actions, encourages the individuals to involve in organizational planning, focuses on the critical phases of the business and take action instantly when change is required (Atkinson, 2006). It is a multidimensional tool that can be used in management, strategic and measurement systems. With its multidimensional tactics, the Balanced Scorecard integrates the performance measurement of both financial and management aspects (Punniyamoorthy & Murali, 2008). It measures the performance by focusing on four major perspectives, which includes financial stability, customer base, business operations, and learning and development. This tool gives the meaningful interpretations of the interconnections between the business processes

Sunday, August 25, 2019

French and American Court System Research Paper - 1

French and American Court System - Research Paper Example The American Court System has basically the same degrees of organization with federal and state courts hearing the case when it is first brought up, a Court of Appeals for appeals made from the decision of the federal and state courts and the Supreme Court which has the final say when the case has not been resolved in the Court of Appeals. (American Bar Association, 2006); ( Wasby, 2000) As compared to the United States where the Supreme Court has the final authority on the interpretation of the Federal Constitution and all statutes and regulations created pursuant to it, the authority in France which has the final say on the interpretation of the law is divided into two: the Conseil dÉtat for administrative cases and the Court of Cassation for civil and criminal cases. The Jury System is a court proceeding where sentencing decision makers are people (note that it is more than one person) who may have no or little education in law and a judge as an arbiter/overseer of the proceedings such as in the United States. This is in contrast to other systems such as a Professional Judge which makes use of a career attorney delegated by the state to become a court’s sentencing decision maker. This is the mode among countries such as Japan and the Philippines. Besides from the jury which employs lay persons (lay in the sense that they may have little education in law), there also exists the lay judge where a layperson (singular) serves as the judge. This system can be found in many tribal communities where religion governs and legal codes and education are not yet well established. The jury is supposed to be the protector of the individual’s rights from the decision of the state by having the case presented to peers or equals of the accused who by being peers can understand the motivation or plight of the accused. Presumably, they are to understand the actions of the accused and judge whether the actions were prudent and acceptable to common values of equals in the same society.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Feasibility Study For a Hospital in Saudi Arabia Essay

Feasibility Study For a Hospital in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example 1.3 System Overview Responsible Organization Independent Research Foundation (IRF) is the responsible organization. IRF has conducted most of the surveys on their own as well as taken help from Government and Private Organization in establishing the feasibility. IRF is responsible for handling all the investment and making sure that all goes according to the plan. System Name Tabeeb Healthcare Facility System Code BJH-699-I2011 System Category ---- Major Application: General Health Care. The facility provides services of general nature but a Cancer Research facility will also be established. The hospital will be modeled after the famous Princeton Planes Borough Hospital (US). Diagnostics and Cancer research will be given special attention and investment. ---- General Support System: The Investors for this facility will mostly be from all over the world but the facility will provide services for all the locals. As there isn’t much insurance market strength in Saudi Arabia (comp aratively), there will not be much trouble in treating patients from all walks of life. Economic Analysis and Indicators Three economic indicators were used to analyze the investment for Tabeeb Health Care Facility; the Payback period of 2.5 years, NPV of US $20 million and ROI of 13%. The economic analysis shows that to raise capital for establishing the facility, IRF is in no position to raise the capital themselves. Therefore, the most likely sources of capital to all the above scenarios are grants and / or units owned by third parties, such as energy service companies (ie, through the contract or other similar contracts for energy services). As most of the foreign investment floods into Saudi Arabia in the form of oil sector development, our most likely sponsor will be any reputable oil company, preferably, Shell. Lifecycle costs of different scenarios were performed using the reputable software software (NRC 2005). Economic indicators to assess the economic viability were: a si mple payback period, NPV, and ROI. This type of analysis makes more sense as it will be simpler to present and more likely our sponsors will agree to our plan. Agencies typically grant funds by listing projects based on a simple payback period. For life cycle cost analysis, assumptions are made as follows: Projected Life 65 years Cost Inflation Rate 2.25% Discount Rate 7% Debt Term 15 years Interest Rate 4.7% Contingencies 4% (of capital costs) Cost (Energy) Savings 55%-98% 2.0 Market Analysis Recent Studies have shown an upward trend in the demand for health care facilities among the people of Kingdom. Population is increasing at a rapid pace but the health care facilities aren’t matching the population growth rate. Other than the fact that growth rate of health care facilities is not impressive in Saudi Arabia indicating that there will be an increase in the demand for doctors and nurses, everyone needs to see a doctor. Medical and health care facilities have an inelastic d emand. Investments in pharmaceuticals and medical facilities are often always considered an option that people go for. Tabeeb Health Care Facility will be built in the heart of the capital Riyadh. The patient statistics (as they are discussed below) were relatively easy to collect and we have a very good reason to believe that the data is as

Friday, August 23, 2019

Qualitative Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Qualitative Article Critique - Essay Example In these cases asking patients about their symptoms is important, and the nurses must know what to ask for. This leads to both the problem and purpose of this study, where the nurses' perceptions about their abilities to assess and advise these patients are not known and hence need to be studied. This is a suffieciently narrow yet sigbificant problem in palliative care nursing where the disease needing palliative care has many problems per se, and depression is a common occurrence as an association that may be neglected easily. The population is thus about to die due to any cause where treatment fails, settiing become palliative care, and the variables become the nurses' perceptions about their knowledge and confidence about depression in these patients, and depressive symptoms. This also clarifoes the aim of the study which is to gather information about these variables. As evident, this problem is relevant to nursing care, since if they are proved to be having string perceptions ab out the depression and its effect on these patients, they can engage these patients into discussion about their depression, and that can be additional responsibility of these nurses while delivering palliative care. This study was very feasible in terms of money commitment and with certainty of availability of subjects in the palliatice care settings. This would not add to the extra cost since existing facilities and services would be used, and no extra equipment would be necessary. Ethically this was a sound hypothesis, and there are no reasons for it to be not ethically cleared by the appropriate authority. The authors are qualified and they are, although not categorically mentioned it seems, professors of university nursing schools. Literature Review 1. Are relevant previous studies identified and described 2. Are relevant theories and models identified and described 3. Are the references current Examine the number of sources in the past 5 and 10 years in the reference list. 4. Are the studies critiqued by the author 5. Is a summary of the current knowledge provided This summary needs to include what is known and not known about the research problem. 6. Is the literature review organized to demonstrate the progressive development of ideas through previous research 7. Is a theoretical knowledge base developed for the problem and purpose 8. Does the literature review provide a rationale direction for the study 9. Does the summary of the current empirical and theoretical knowledge provide a basis for the study The authors have identified many relevant previous studies and have reviewed them in brief, so the reader can follow the problem while reading these. These have been presented in a systematic manner so the rationality of the research question becomes explicit to the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

An Intensive Care Unit Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

An Intensive Care Unit - Assignment Example Mr X was being cared for in the intensive care unit (ICU) of an urban hospital. One week after admission, the ICU nurse-in-charge of Mr X’s care noticed respiratory distress and fever of unknown origin. The nurse reported it to the attending physician and to the intensive care specialists. The intensive care specialists ordered a new CT scan to re-evaluate the status of the brain, the occipital skull base fracture, the post-operative cervical spine, the condition of the lungs, the abdomen for a possible source of infection and a pelvis examination locating the sacral fracture and the right hip. Mr X was chosen as the case study subject primarily because of the alarming incidence of motorcycle accident worldwide caught the interest of the author and wanted to delineate the multisystem effect of a motorcycle accident to the individual. Clarke, Ward, Bartle and Truman (2004) stated that motorcyclists are at the highest risk for accidents due to poor safety record and the estimate d killed and serious injury rate in the UK per million vehicle kilometers is twice than a pedal cyclist and 16 times than car drivers and passengers (p. 6). Introduction to the Intensive Care Unit An intensive care unit (ICU) refers to a hospital area that uses state-of-the-art technology and aggressive therapy both in invasive and noninvasive monitoring of critically-ill and high-risk patients (Varon and Acosta, 2010, p. 1). Continuous monitoring is necessary and physiological factors affecting the health status of the patient must be reported promptly and on a continuous basis to the attending physician in order to adjust and meet the patient’s health needs. Patients older than 50 years old who suffered from cervical fracture have a 26% mortality rate (Browner, Jupiter, Levine, Trafton, 2003, p. 868). Critical care is offered for patients in the intensive care units in providing advanced life support through modern technology.

What evidence in the play can be interpreted as Mercutios Essay Example for Free

What evidence in the play can be interpreted as Mercutios Essay What evidence in the play can be interpreted as Mercutio’s affections toward Romeo being more than platonic? Discuss. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ a tragic romance written by William Shakespeare depicts the love between the two characters Romeo and Juliet. Other forms of love between characters are also present in the play, one of the most notable being the ambiguous relationship between Romeo and his flamboyant best friend Mercutio. Through a series of character interactions and character portrayals, Mercutio’s sexuality is left indistinct and his affections towards Romeo can be seen as homoerotic in nature. Romeo and Mercutio have a tendency to tease and banter with each other throughout the play. Mercutio’s teasing in particular could be interpreted as a form of homoerotism considering the large amounts of innuendo and references to Romeo’s phallus used. â€Å"To raise a spirit in his mistress circle Of some strange nature, letting it there stand Till she had laid it and conjured it down;† (Act 2, scene 1) Though this type of banter could be interpreted as normal amongst men their age, due to Mercutio’s ambiguous sexual orientation, it can be considered a form of flirting, especially when you take into consideration Mercutio’s attestment for the opposite gender and love between a man and a woman. Early on in the play, Mercutio is shown to have an aversion to women as well as heterosexual love. One of the clearest examples of Mercutio’s hostility towards women is shown in act 2, scene one when Benvolio and Mercutio are searching for Romeo after the party at the Capulets. â€Å"I must conjure him. I conjure thee by Rosalines bright eyes, By her high forehead and her scarlet lip, By her fine foot, straight leg and quivering thigh And the demesnes that there adjacent lie, That in thy likeness thou appear to us! †(Act 2, scene 1) Mercutio starts mocking Romeo’s feelings for Rosaline as well as insulting her by listing her body parts in a crude manner. Mercutio’s aversion towards women and love is also quite prominent in his Queen Mab speech which outside of being a ‘fairy’ is also a reference to whores during Elizabethan times. The speech starts off as more of a flight of fancy but steadily becomes darker the further he gets. â€Å"This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs, That presses them and learns them first to bear, Making them women of good carriage: This is she† (Act 1, scene 4) This passage could be interpreted as women losing their virginities as well as going into prostitution. Mercutio makes a stab at women through generalising them as whores, as well as stating how love is insignificant, nonsensical and corrupting. This is shown through the emphasis on Queen Mab’s small size, the fairy’s ability to confirm what ever vices that dreamers are addicted to and how the description of Queen Mab itself is complete nonsense. His aversion to women and heterosexual love could be interpreted as a sign of homosexuality, or at the very least bisexuality; Mercutio’s disrespect for the opposite gender is shown to be indiscriminate when involving matters in concern to Romeo. All women that Mercutio is seen interacting with or acknowledging in the play are insulted and ridiculed by him; the fact that they have all wanted Romeo’s company or have been subjected to Romeo’s affections is what they all have in common. â€Å"NURSE If you be he, sir, I desire some confidence with you. †¦ MERCUTIO A bawd, a bawd, a bawd! so ho! ROMEO What hast thou found? MERCUTIO No hare, sir; unless a hare, sir, in a lenten pie, that is something stale and hoar ere it be spent. An old hare hoar, And an old hare hoar, Is very good meat in lent But a hare that is hoar Is too much for a score, When it hoars ere it be spent. Romeo, will you come to your fathers? well to dinner, thither. † (Act 2, Scene 4) In this scene, Mercutio is shown to immediately interrupt the conversation between the other two characters once Romeo has lost interest in teasing the nurse, and the nurse has shown interest in conversing with him in private. Mercutio’s insults and teasing become bawdier as he tries to draw the groups attention and in turn Romeo’s attention towards him rather than the nurse as he continues to mock her. This act could be seen as an adverse reaction to the possibility of Romeo romancing another woman, or even the possibility of him romancing the nurse herself. A similar attitude is taken up by Mercutio concerning other women in Romeo’s life, as shown with Rosaline. The callous and unseemly way that Mercutio treats women who associate with Romeo could be seen as a form of jealousy, and thus his possible homoerotic affections for his best friend; characters such as Tybalt make allusions to the possibility of Mercutio’s non-platonic affections towards Romeo right before the play’s climax. Mercutio’s death scene, aside from being the climax of the play, has the most allusions to Mercutio’s affections towards Romeo being more than platonic. â€Å"Mercutio, thou consortst with Romeo† (Act 3, scene 1) This line spoken by Tybalt suggests the possibility of Mercutio’s homosexuality. Tybalt starts insulting a passive Romeo which results in a brawl between Mercutio and Tybalt, stemming from Mercutio’s need to defend his friend’s dignity and outrage at Romeo’s unresponsiveness to the insults. The brawl between the two, along with Mercutio’s resulting death, is seen as completely unnecessary as Tybalt is making no direct insult to Mercutio’s person, only Romeo’s. The need that Mercutio had felt to defend Romeo’s dignity could be seen as the manifestation of romantic feelings towards his best friend due to how unnecessarily far he’d taken his brawl with Tybalt and how it had resulted in his death. Through these series of events and character interaction such as Mercutio’s teasing of Romeo, his aversion to women, love, senseless death borne out of want to defend Romeo’s dignity and the possibility of him being homosexual, that Mercutio’s love for Romeo could be concluded as being more than just platonic. ________________ ROMEO AND JULIET ESSAY- VERSION 2. What evidence in the play can be interpreted as Mercutio’s affections toward Romeo being more than platonic? Discuss. ‘Romeo and Juliet’, a tragic romance written by William Shakespeare, depicts the love between the two characters Romeo and Juliet. Other forms of love between characters are also present in the play, one of the most notable being the ambiguous relationship between Romeo and his flamboyant best friend Mercutio. Through a series of character interactions and character portrayals, Mercutio’s sexuality is left indistinct and his affections towards Romeo can be seen as homoerotic in nature. Romeo and Mercutio have a tendency to tease and banter with each other throughout the play. Mercutio’s teasing in particular could be interpreted as a form of homoerotism considering the large amounts of innuendo and references to Romeo’s phallus used. Said references to Romeos phallus appear when Mercutio, in an attempt lure Romeo out of hiding, begins to talk of Romeo raising a spirit in his mistress circle and letting it there stand / Till she [Rosaline] had laid it and conjured it down (William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 1, Line 26). Though this type of banter could be interpreted as normal amongst men their age, due to Mercutio’s ambiguous sexual orientation it can be considered a form of flirting, especially when you take into consideration Mercutio’s attestment for the opposite gender and love between a man and a woman Early on in the play, Mercutio is shown to have and aversion to women as well as heterosexual love. One of the clearest examples of Mercutio’s hostility towards women is shown in when Benvolio and Mercutio are searching for Romeo after the party at the Capulets. Mercutio starts mocking Romeo’s feelings for Rosaline as well as insulting her by listing her body parts in a crude manner. He describes her fine foot, straight leg and quivering thigh (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 21) amongst other body parts considered uncouth to talk about during his time period. Mercutio’s aversion towards women and love is also quite prominent in his Queen Mab speech which outside of being a ‘fairy’ is also a reference to whores during Elizabethan times. The speech starts off as more of a flight of fancy but steadily becomes darker the further he gets. Mercutio makes references to women losing their virginities and going into prostitution when he talks of when maids lie on their backs / That presses them and learns them first to bear (Act 1, Scene 4, Line 96). Mercutio makes a stab at women through generalising them as whores, as well as stating how love is insignificant, nonsensical and corrupting. This is shown through the emphasis on Queen Mab’s small size, the fairy’s ability to confirm what ever vices that dreamers are addicted to and how the description of Queen Mab itself is complete nonsense. His aversion to women and heterosexual love could be interpreted as a sign of homosexuality, or at the very least bisexuality; Mercutios disrespect for the opposite gender is shown to be indiscriminate when involving matters in concern to Romeo. All women that Mercutio is seen interacting with or acknowledging in the play are insulted and ridiculed by him; the fact that they have all wanted Romeo’s company or have been subjected to Romeo’s affections is what they all have in common. In the second act, Juliets nurse approaches Romeo and expresses her interest in speaking with him alone. Mercutio, seeing that Romeo had lost interest in teasing the nurse, instantly interrupts the conversation by calling the nurse a bawd (Act 2, Scene 4, Line 115), followed by an indecent song on a girl who prostitutes herself. Mercutio’s insults and teasing become bawdier as he tries to draw the group’s, and in turn Romeo’s, attention towards him rather than the nurse as he continues to mock her. This act could be seen as an adverse reaction to the possibility of Romeo romancing another woman, or even the possibility of him romancing the nurse herself. A similar attitude is taken up by Mercutio concerning other women in Romeo’s life, as shown with Rosaline. The callous and unseemly way that Mercutio treats women who associate with Romeo could be seen as a form of jealousy, and thus his possible homoerotic affections for his best friend; characters such as Tybalt make allusions to the possibility of Mercutio’s non-platonic affections towards Rome right before the play’s climax. Mercutio’s death scene, aside from being the climax of the play, has the most allusions to Mercutio’s affections towards Romeo being more than platonic. Tybalt suggests the possibility of Mercutio’s homosexuality when he says that Mercutio consortst with Romeo (Act 3, Scene 1, Line 42). Tybalt starts insulting a passive Romeo which results in a brawl between Mercutio and Tybalt, stemming from Mercutio’s need to defend his friend’s dignity and outrage at Romeo’s unresponsiveness to the insults. The brawl between the two, along with Mercutio’s resulting death, is seen as completely unnecessary as Tybalt is making no direct insult to Mercutio’s person, only Romeo’s. The need that Mercutio had felt to defend Romeo’s dignity could be seen as the manifestation of romantic feelings towards his best friend due to how unnecessarily far he’d taken his brawl with Tybalt and how it had resulted in his death. Through these series of events and character interaction such as Mercutio’s teasing of Romeo, his aversion to women, love, senseless death borne out of want to defend Romeo’s dignity and the possibility of him being homosexual, that Mercutio’s love for Romeo could be concluded as being more than just platonic.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Occupational Health and Safety Practice Program Evaluation

Occupational Health and Safety Practice Program Evaluation OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICE Plan and evaluate programs to promote occupational health and safety practice Student Name: Yi Li Assessment Task 1 Place of work or work placement Te kotuku kit e Rangi Target group for the programmes to promote occupational health and safety practice Te kotuku Ki Te Rangi, Managers and Team Leader, All staffs, Health and safety officer. Key stakeholders (role, and details of what inputs they require or can provide to the potential health and safety programme) Stakeholders What their input could be Te kotuku Ki Te Rangi Committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all employees, which include training, safety program. Team Leader and Managers Knowledge of current or best practice for different activities and tasks in the workplace. Concerns or issues relating to levels of sickness or injury in the workplace. All staffs Follow the safety procedure; participate in the safety program, training. Report if there is any potential hazard or injury in the workplace. Health and Safety officer Knowledge of existing health and safety systems and what information they contain. Demographic profiles of the target group Demographic Profile Information it links to Proportion of staff aged between 20-35 years old A report highlighting the high rate of accidents due to the affects of lack of heal and safety knowledge and working experience. Proportion of staff aged between 35-45 years old Statistics about the higher rate of stress related illness amongst older people Proportion of staff aged between 45-55 years old Statistics about the higher rate of illness amongst older people Demographic Profile Information it links to Proportion of staff gender of male A report highlighting the high rate of accidents due to the affects of lack of heal and safety knowledge and working experience. Proportion of staff gender of male Statistics about the higher rate of stress related illness amongst older people Demographic Profile Information it links to Proportion of staff Language as first language. 30 staffs are happy to use English to communicate with others by face to face communication technology. Proportion of staff Language as second language. Only 4 staffs like to use non-English language to communicate with others. Thus it should be carefully explain training details for them. Output of searches of relevant literature The relevant literature has been gathered in the research as follow: Teaching Guide Workplace Fire Safety for staff WORMALD Assessing electrical fire risks in the workplace Any relevant content from courses have attended The student cannot find any relevant courses about Fire risks in the workplace. Peer networking According to staff’s age of organization, the student chose face to face communication with the relevant staff. The researcher arranged interview with a selection of staff across the organization as a way to gather information relevant to promoting health and safety. There were five staffs participate in the interview at workplace, the relevant fire hazard questions were answered by them, such as: Examples of injury and illness that have occurred in the workplace and why? What do you think the most dangerous aspect that needs to be improved in the organization? And the students recorded all the answers as notes. Other information sources including databases, libraries, accident and/or incident reports The website: Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment website Review the Health and Safety training records. Research reports containing statistics about injury or illness Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) experience rating records The website: ) ACC366 Implement Safer Workplace Practices Indentified impacts of other existing or proposed program The student asked the health and safety officer and team leader in the house. They approached that there was a workshop program in the organization for the staff called â€Å"How to prevent the fire in the workplace†, but not many staff participated in the program. Assessment Task 2 Indentify issues or situations that have the potential to result in injury and/or health problems Indentify issues The organization is lack of training fire extinguishers, and fire exits. The situation in Te kotuku Ki Te Rangi has just opened a new house which is based Avondale. However, the house is very old, and has potential safety issues. And also, the organization had no health and safety plan to avoid might cause lack of manpower, legal dispute, even the employer will be charged. Thus, the manager and employer should develop a health and safety plan to their residents and staffs. Clearly show that the information enables you to determine potential health promotion and injury prevention strategies. No staff training and plan on health and safety strategy. Student used gathered qualitative information by interviewed with the staff and team leader; the information showed that staffs have no relevant knowledge about fire hazard. By review the documents in the office, there is no staff training and plan on health and safety, no signs to show the fire exits, staffs do not know how to use fire extinguishers. Thus the issues or situations that have the potential to cause injury or health problems will vary by organization. No notice of hazards. After Student observation in the facility, found no fire hazards notice in the house. Such as fire extinguishers and fire exit. By review internet reports containing analysis of fire injury, makes student concerns about particular work placement that could cause injury or health problems. When the fire came, people will not know where the fire exit is, and where the extinguishers are placed. Thus they could be improved in terms of their safety. Assessment Task 3 Develop practical strategies that clearly link to the information have gathered and analyzed Develop staff training and plan on health and safety Develop notice of hazards. Re: fire extinguishers and fire exit. Develop complementary strategies that over education, the work environment and policy. Education: Develop staff training; all staff will be educated about health and safety knowledge. Policy: Develop health and safety policy, fire procedures. Everyone has their own duty if dereliction will be charged. Environment: Develop new equipment, facilities in the organization, such as disabled access. Develop notice on the board, re: no smoking, emergency exit. Develop health and safety plan, all staff must participate in the plan, re: attend to the training, work shop. Outline how you propose to market the proposed program within the workplace. Talk with health and safety officer, manager and team leader. Let them understand the current health and safety issues in the organization, and to propose a new program is necessary. Ask them to advocate and lead the staff pay attention to the health and safety program, and notice how important it is. Everyone has to follow the health and safety policy. Arrange meeting with staffs, analyses the exits health and safety issues, explain why changes is important to staffs, and what changes they need to follow in the new program. For example, they need to responsible for them in the work place by follow the health and safety policy, to reduce the risk of fire hazard and other incident. Request staff to participate in the health and safety training, educate staff and get the certificate in health and safety. For example, they must sign the attendance sheet when they come to training, and the officer has to confirm the name list, connect the person who is absent. Notice on board, to remind all employees bewared of incident and accident. Such as No smoking, emergency exit. Gain commitment from management (on behalf of management and staff), and other key stakeholders to this marketing approach The student gained the commitment from Manager and team leader in the house. The researcher fully explains the strategy to the Manger and team leader. Analyze the possible solution of exist health and safety issues. Assessment Task 4 Evaluation objectives for three areas- process, impact, and outcome Develop Ensure all incidences of hazards are recorded immediately; check if they are completed within one month. The health and safety programs will be implemented using a mix of communication and training courses within two week. Impact All staff understand the hazard risks, and able to protect themselves and clients from hazards within one week of completing the training. All staff attends to the training program, everyone know their own duty if dereliction will be charged within one week of completing the training. Outcome No same incident or accidents caused by five hazards and health and safety issues after they follow the health and safety plan, and completed the training within one month. A 25% reduction in staff absences due to communicable illnesses six months after program implementation. Evaluation objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-limited To achieve 100% attendance of all staff at the health and safety training being held during March and April, the session will be repeated three times to allow for staff being on at different times. Methods for evaluating the achievement of the program objectives Evaluative Methods Definitions Interview with 5 staff and Manager The manager can have interviews with staffs to evaluate their knowledge and skills. Ask them what need to be improved in the program. Questionnaire with staffs Staff does not have to indicate their names; the answer will be more real. Thus the employer can have a correct evaluation about the program. Observation The observation is researcher with a purpose and a plan under natural conditions. Is under natural conditions, purposeful, planned way subjects speech and behavior were observed, recorded to determine their psychological characteristics of psychological research methods. Analysing and interpreting statistics, including identifying trends. Looking at the numbers – for example a decrease in accidents reported across a 5 year period could be considered to be a downward trend. Assessment Task 5 Proposed resources Equipment First Aid, Alarm, Sign, Fire extinguisher A suitable room can accommodate all staffs and managers. Accident/incident report templates Attendance sheet Job description Time The time has to be available for both health and safety officer and staffs. Human Resources Cross functional employees for program development and program evaluation teams, training course facilitators Environment Standard (Policy and procedure) Officer should print it out to all trainers. Print/electronic resources Companywide email, newsletter, poster on staff room wall, produced in house, or sourced externally from government agencies. Assist all the relevant parties in evaluating the safety and wellbeing of the resident Assist all the relevant parties to review the residential care plan: Resources Required Short-term costing Medium term costing Long term costing Training Total per person Total cost per hour Nil Nil Standard (policy and procedure) Nil Nil Nil Time 3 hours for training, one month for program Nil Nil Staff 15 staffs and manager Nil Nil Equipment First Aid ( new 30d) Computer (200d) Alarm (500d) Sign (30d) Fire extinguisher (100d) New window (500d) Nil Nil

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Deeper Philosophical Meanings :: essays research papers

One of ancient Greece’s tragic plays in entitled “The Bacchae';, written by Euripides. Many larger and deeper philosophical views are expressed in the play. The plot contains many speeches, and one might think at certain points that they would be the moral. The actual moral, however, is almost impossible to define. Euripides uses a style of writing that is heavy with surreal details that are not present in other Greek tragedies. On page 21, lines 506-7, the comment “How do you live? What are you doing? Who are you? You don’t know!'; helps the reader to comprehend what the play is all about when looked at from a critical point of view.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dionysus, throughout the play speaks in a term that is almost cynical. His tone is mocking and at times sarcastic. Many times in the play, he refers to himself in the third person to heighten the sense of his power that the characters receive in the play, as well as make himself out to be a messenger of Dionysus, not the god himself. He encourages all to let out their true nature. As a god in ancient Greece, he stood for wine and drunkenness, ecstasy, sexual being, dance, and madness. It is hinted many times throughout the reading that Dionysus has a revenge motive. It is as if he wants to punish the population of Thebes for not taking his true power seriously. When he appeared on Earth, he could have made himself look like an all powerful god, but instead took on the form of a deviant youth and a weakling. He is irrational and one can pick up a sense of his wrath toward the people. Knowing all this, when Dionysus said, “How do live? What are you doing? Who are you? You don’t know!'; it is easier to define the meaning behind the statement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dionysus knew all along what his plan was against the people of Thebes. He also knew exactly how everything was going to turn out. It was his plan all along to punish the people for not treating him like the truly powerful god he was. He used Pentheus and a kind of sacrifice, and the women he drove to the mountains as his pawns. He used to women because he knew that the true power in the city lay in the women of the houses, not the men.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Summary of World War Two Essay -- World War Two American History Essay

Summary of World War Two World War II is the name commonly given to the global conflict of 1939-1945. It is said to be the greatest and most destructive war in world history. The World War II military operations were conducted primarily in Europe but also in Asia, Africa, and the far islands of the Pacific as well. More than 17 million members of the armed forces perished during the conflict. It caused strain on the economic capabilities of the major nations and left many countries on the edge of collapse. The causes of WWII are too numerous and complex to be generalized. The following is said to be one of the main causes. At the end of WWI Europe was economically impoverished and politically divided. It faced the possibility of social revolution. During the early 1920's Europe experienced an economic depression and the course of European politics was determined largely by the communist revolution, which engulfed many countries. In the late 1920's Europe achieved a measure of economic recovery. However, all hope of political stability in Europe was shattered by the results of the depression that hit the United States in 1929. In the 1930's widespread unemployment and acute distress strained social relationships in Europe. The communist movement soon overwhelmed Europe. The triumph in 1933 of fascism, under the name of National Socialism, or Nazism, in Germany ended the threat of revolution in that country. However, the triumph of the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler would prove to be more disastrous as time passed. The German society was transformed into a totalitarian state, which had withdrawn from the League of Nations. The League of Nations condemned Germany's action for denouncing the Versailles Treaty, which provided the disarmament of Germany. Hitler wanted to establish Germany as the dominant nation in Europe and one of the leading economic, political and military powers of the world. Hitler's conquests would eventually lead to war. Essentially, the war was a conflict between two coalitions of states, designated the Axis Powers and the Allies or United Nations. The Axis Powers included Germany, Italy, Japan, and their satellites. The Allies consisted the United States, the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, China, and their Allies. The war began with the invasion of Poland by Germany on September ... ...e Memorial will be located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. at the Rainbow Pool site at the east end of the Reflecting Pool. It will lie between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. The chosen location will mirror the historical importance and lasting significance of World War II to America and the entire world. Senator Bob Dole is the chairman of the national fund-raising campaign for the Memorial. The Memorial will be funded almost entirely by private contributions. The fundraising goal for the Memorial is $100 million. As of June 1999 approximately $60 million in donations had been received from corporations, foundations, veterans groups, civic associations, and states and individuals. The groundbreaking for the project is planned to begin on Veterans Day 2000. Works Cited History of WWII. World War II Overview Homepage. [On-line]. Bernice Altwegg, personal interview. 11/18/99. Ernest R. May. Between World Wars. Grolier Online Homepage. [On-line]. The National World War II Memorial. World War II Memorial Homepage. [On-line].

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Homosexual Adoption Rights Essay -- Legal Issues, New Jersey, Foster C

New Jersey’s statewide parenting legislation espouses a progressive stance on the matters of same-sex parenting and child care in the processes of adoption and foster parenting. The Garden State allows for same-sex adoption; allows single homosexuals to adopt; and allows second parent same-sex adoption (â€Å"Same-Sex Adoption Laws,† n.d.). New Jersey has passed progressive laws and policies that prohibit discrimination charged against gay individuals in the adoption process (Sudol, 2010). New Jersey state law also bans discrimination against gay individuals in the foster parent process (2010). New Jersey Statutes Annotated 9:3-43 enables for any person to adopt permitted the said person(s) pass a background investigation and meet adoption criteria for eligibility(N.J.S.A. 9:3-43). Unmarried joint adoptive parents petitioning to adopt a child can do so because of N.J.S.A. 9:3-43. In re Adoption of two Children by H.N.R., 666 A.2d 535 (N.J. Super. 1995) permits second pa rent adoption; this statute exercises the possibility for an individual to petition for shared rights of custody with a parent who already possesses legal parental custody of a child. Several states prohibit joint adoption due to unmarried status. This statute is favorable for unmarried parents seeking to adopt in New Jersey. This New Jersey statute provides for an overall tolerant atmosphere for queer individuals and couples looking to adopt or become foster parents. In summary, laws and policies regarding same-sex adoption vary from state to state. The three common forms of adoptive guardianship are individual (single) parent adoption, joint adoption, and second parent adoption. Firstly, the most traditional type of adoptive parents is the single parent adoption. T... ...loving individuals and couples are being denied the chance of giving orphans a loving home. The numbers of orphans increasing in foster care services are disproportionate to the number of foster parents willing to adopt them. This fact alone without a shadow of a doubt calls to question the involvement federal government to revise law and policy to integrate the needs of same-sex parents and the growing orphan problem in the United States. The investigation of same-sex parents continues to produce evidence suggesting that children growing up in same-sex households report feeling more tolerant of other groups. The quality of parenting and family functioning are not inhibited by the parent’s sexual orientation. Lastly, children raised by same-sex parents do not exhibit psychosocial and emotionally disruptive behaviors (Children Welfare Information Gateway, 2011).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ethics, Morals, or Values Essay

My ethical judgment was put to a severe test only once in the past. However, when it happened, it completely overwhelmed me that I could never be certain until now whether I made the right decision. It involved my 90-year-old great-aunt whom I loved dearly and who had no other living relative besides me. She was rushed to the hospital in a comatose condition, no blood pressure reading, and no pulse. She was later diagnosed with sepsis secondary to infection from her bed sores after being bedridden for more than a year. She was finally transferred to a private room with a blood pressure reading of 60/40 and a rather weak pulse but stable, according to her attending physician, considering the circumstances. However, days and weeks later, her condition did not improve. She was still comatose, and antibiotics did not seem to be taking any effect. Later, she developed pneumonia. I was informed by the hospital staff that it was expected in her situation. After all, they told me, she was a weakened, 90-year-old woman in coma. One day her doctor talked to me about her condition. He informed me that there was nothing wrong with her heart – she had a very healthy heart. What worried him, he said, were her lungs because they were ready to collapse. The moment her lungs collapse, my aunt would immediately stop breathing and die in spite of a healthy heart. There was only one thing they could do if I wanted her to keep on breathing and stay alive – technically alive, at least. They could insert a breathing tube that would reach her lungs and pump air into her using a breathing bag. However, he wanted me to understand that the procedure would be very painful for my aunt – a painful procedure that would not even help my aunt recover consciousness. But first, he wanted to get my consent to perform the procedure on my aunt when the need arose. I could not answer him instantly. I knew what he was asking me. I heard some nurses talking about â€Å"heroics† in connection with dying patients. My aunt’s doctor wanted to know if I would ask him to write the words â€Å"no heroics† on my aunt’s card so that they could allow her to die – I could leave her to die – as soon as her lungs collapsed. I was the next of kin. Since my aunt could no longer decide for herself, the decision was up to me. I was staring at euthanasia in the face! I asked the doctor if I could give him my answer the following day. He said yes, but reminded me not to delay or it might be too late. I spent the whole evening thinking about it – asking myself some questions. What would my aunt have wanted me to do? My aunt was a devout Catholic. Would she want me to decide as one? The following morning I told her doctor: â€Å"Please do everything for her! †

Friday, August 16, 2019

Eudora Welty Essay

The word determination is defined as, â€Å"the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose.† Will-power is, â€Å"the strength or will to carry out one’s decisions, wishes, or plans.† In the short story A Worn Path by Eudora Welty, the main character Phoenix carried out the meaning of these two words throughout the whole story. She had experienced many road blocks during her journey, but she did not let them stop her from reaching the goal she had at the time. In the story, Phoenix is a very old woman who needed to go to town to get medicine for her sick grandson. She overcame obstacles that were both physical and mental throughout the course of the story. Her courage and devotion to her grandson showed that she was willing to go the extra mile to make sure that her grandson was okay. This was not only because she cared for him, but because she loved him. Phoenix encountered many obstacles during her journey to town and one of them was getting through the thorn bush. As she was walking down the path her dress had got caught. A worn path: literary analysis Literary Analysis Arising out of the ashes the phoenix came back to life again. In Greek mythology the phoenix is the symbol for idealism and hope. It falls only to arise and live again. The main character of Eudora Welty’s short story, â€Å"A Worn Path†, is much like this phoenix. She must overc Premium 508 Words 3 Pages Never give up: a character analysis of phoenix from welty’s â€Å"a worn path† Never Give Up: A Character Analysis of Phoenix from Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path† By STUDENT NAME Professor NAME CLASS NAME DATE Outline Thesis statement: In â€Å"A Worn Path† by Eudora Welty, Phoenix Jackson displays extraordinary perseverance in the face of difficulty, which ultimatel Premium 971 Words 4 Pages Analysis of a short story a worn path by eudora welty Analysis of a short story â€Å"A Worn Path† by Eudora Welty. Lit.1 Characters: Phoenix Jackson : Is the protagonist of the story. She is described in vivid colors, suggesting her lively nature: she wears a red rag in her hair and her skin is described as â€Å"yellow,† â€Å"golden† Premium 1151 Words 5 Pages Character analysis-a worn path A Woman of Amazing Character Will-power and determination plays a major role when it comes to people accomplishing goals and performing the tasks they are given. When a person possesses these two qualities they are motivated, focused, will not give up easily, determined along with many other thi Premium 907 Words 4 Pages Literary analysis on â€Å"a worn path† Literary Analysis on â€Å"A Worn Path† In â€Å"A Worn Path† by Eudora Welty, the protagonist Phoenix Jackson helps portray the theme that people will do anything for whom they love. Everyday people are going out of their way to make either a theoretical or literal journey to help someone they love. In the Premium 407 Words 2 Pages The Worn Path analysis In the story â€Å"A Worn Path†, there is a repetitive comparison between the main character and a mythological creature. The author Eudora Welty chooses Phoenix Jackson to symbolize through color, her appearance, behavior and overall journey a Phoenix bird. The author gives description to†¦ Premium 387 Words 2 Pages Literary Analysis of The Worn Path In the Worn Path, by Eudora Welty, the placement consorts with the time to create an environment which hinders Phoenix’s progress but reinstates dedication and persistence into her journey. During the establishment of the setting, the first description is, â€Å"It was December—a bright†¦ Premium 294 Words 2 Pages Worn path WORN PATH Eudora Welty brings the story, â€Å"A Worn Path†, to life through the use of the character Phoenix Jackson and symbols. This story detail’s an elderly Negro woman’s journey to town, on a mission of love. Phoenix Jackson, an elderly Negro women is frail, old, and Premium 914 Words 4 Pages A worn path essay 6 A Worn Path Detail of an elderly Negro woman’s journey from deep in the country to town, the while on mission of love. Phoenix Jackson, an elderly Negro women who is frail, old and has many handicaps, she lived during trying times and because of her race, faced many challenges while growing up Premium 862 Words 4 Pages A worn path: racial prejudice is rampant and out of control In the story A Worn Path, Eudora Welty shows an old woman living in a time period where racial prejudice is rampant and out of control. Phoenix Jackson is a grandmother whose only motivation for living is to nurture her grandson back to health. The strength of love may make people do or say unusua Premium 997 Words 4 Pages A worn path Eudora Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path† is a story that emphasizes the natural symbolism of the surroundings. The main character in the story, Phoenix Jackson, is an old black woman who seeks out to find medicine for her sick nephew. This story contains a motif, which is the continuous walk Premium 1208 Words 5 Pages A worn path: the modern short story In the modern short story, Eudora Welty clearly develops Phoenix Jackson as a main character who indirectly manipulates other people. Phoenix, as the speaker in â€Å"A Worn Path† holds the status of an old Negro woman who continues the everyday cycle of life. Although, in reality Phoenix is an average h Premium 665 Words 3 Pages A worn path by eudora welty Ordeal of Devotion In â€Å"A Worn Path† by Eudora Welty an elderly African American woman named Phoenix Jackson picks a cold December day to make yet another perilous journey to a near by city to get medicine for her ailing grandson. On the way this ninety-year-old woman faces many obstacles, both natu Premium 985 Words 4 Pages A worn path essay 5 Eudora Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path† is a story that emphasizes the natural symbolism of the surroundings. As the story begins, we are introduced to our main character, Phoenix Jackson; she is described as a small, old Negro woman. I believe that the name Eudora Welty gives our main character is very symbo Premium 1346 Words 6 Pages A worn path: a tattered trail A Tattered Trail â€Å"A Worn Path† by Eudora Welty, is the tale of the unstoppable love and care of a grandmother for her grandchild. The main character in the story, Phoenix Jackson, is an old black woman who makes a long journey into town to get medicine for her ill grandson. Despite the many ob Premium 840 Words 4 Pages Eudora welty: worn path, visit of charity Eudora Welty The are only so many ways an author may sum up the course of a human life within just a few pages. Eudora Welty has the awesome talent of being able to do just this. In her stories â€Å"Where Is the Voice Coming From†, â€Å"A Visit of Charity† and â€Å"A Worn Path†, Welty uses the reoccuring th Premium 545 Words 3 Pages

Indian Ocean Trade Essay

During the time period between 300 CE and 1450 CE the Indian Ocean Trade was consistent of its spread of goods, religion, and the growth of trade route under different empires. On the other hand, the significant changes were the ways of trade, diffusion of religion, and empires controlling the trade route. Economically, the Indian Ocean Trade stayed the same in the way of spreading goods, but changed in the means of trading. Around the fifth century CE long- distant trade by land was mostly used. Trade of exotic products for the elite, such as; silk, spices, and gems, were spread all throughout the trade network and were incorporated into local markets. This is because there were new markets being built and goods spread. Methods of trade changed for the better. Land travel was no longer the only method of transporting goods. Ships in the thirteenth century could only travel by monsoon winds. With the introduction of maneuverable sails, ships like the dhow and junk were able to move goods under many wind conditions. This helped a great deal because the people would not have to wait as long for the delivery of trade goods. Culturally, the Indian Ocean Trade was consistent in the spread of religion and ideas, a change was the diffusion of cultures by religion. The Muslims were a prime example of this continuity. They were a big religion, and as their merchants traded, their religion spread as well. On the other hand, Islam is a great example of the change. Islam came into regions that didn’t have a big religious base. As people converted, their old culture diffused. From this, regions lost their identity because people were converting, whether it was by force of new leaders or by choice. Politically, a continuity of the Indian Ocean Trade is growing while under different empires, and a change in which empires controlled the trade  network. An example of the continuity would be the Mongols, how they made trade much easier and made it grow. Many merchants benefited from the Yuan Dynasty, around the fourteenth century. This ties to the change, because from 300 CE to 1450 CE there were different empires, such as, Sui and Tang Dynasty, Swahili States, Mongols, and Islamic Caliphates. The different empires made trade grow and spread. As the empires grew the routes changed, connecting trade routes to the; Trans- Sahara, Silk Road, South Asian, and Mediterranean routes. During 300 CE and 1450 CE changes involving the Indian Ocean included how goods were transported, cultures were diffused due to new religions, and the empires that controlled. Trade on the Indian Ocean steadily increased the spread of goods and religion even though it was controlled by different empires.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Behavior Modification Research Paper Essay

Abstract Reinforcing positive behavior is critical in many aspects. It helps parents, school teachers and managers seek positive behavioral responses from the subject whether it’s a child, adult or even an employee. â€Å"Reinforcement was first studied by Thorndike (1911), who illustrated that reinforcement is a process where the behavior is increased by the immediate consequence that follows. Thorndike placed a hungry cat in a cage and food outside the cage and the cat eventually learned to press the lever again and again to gain access to the food that was placed outside the cage. Thorndike called this â€Å"Law of Effect†, simply, because the cage-cat illustration showed how the animal learned (stimulus-response) through operant conditioning† (Thorndike 1911). Reinforcement can be either positive or negative (Miltenberger, 2011). Both have their own merits and demerits. Positive reinforcement is often considered as more desirable, especially, since the negative reinforcement cannot be sustained for too long and also it has chances of revoking resistance. Positive reinforcement through both primary and secondary methods helps win the respect and loyalty of the subject most of the times. Sustainable reinforcement is a mixture of the two types: positive and negative. For personal behavioral modification, people mostly choose to get positive stimuli. They do not like to be hurt or punished in order to perform a task. Likewise, I also chose the positive methods and would prefer that I am given appreciation at home, school and/or my workplace because that will help me to demonstrate increased productivity, dedication and commitment and it will also reduce the level of stress. These positive factors of reinforcement may include improving the work environment, improving timings and/or offering conveyance services. Introduction Behaviors are equally important at work as well as in our social lives. This is because positive behavior is connected to good performance and impact, and, negative behavior is connected to negative impact. During evaluation periods, employers review positive behavior from their employees and they focus on both positive and negative behavioral types when they looking to hire new employees. Behavior is a response that can be reinforced. Reinforcement concept of psychology helps find what reinforces positive  behavior and which activities reinforce negative behavior. There are both positive and negative reinforces and there are benefits and consequences for both behavior type. In the workplace, the Manager is not only required to find the factors that help in reinforcing positive behavior, but, also to assess the comparative success of these factors in different work and home environments as well. A detailed analysis of reinforcement literature will assist in effectively modifying th e behavior. Literature Review B.F. Skinner used the reinforcement theory to positively encourage the mouse to find a way out and get cheese and today, Managers make use of reinforcement theories to motivate employees. Reinforcing positive behavior allows the managers to determine what can be expected from their employee(s). Daymut (2009) says that positive reinforcement helps in homes, schools, offices and almost anywhere. Reinforcement is supportive in increasing the chances of certain behavioral response. The probability of behavior can be increased by increasing the stimulus to which the individual or employee responds. The primary reinforcers are physical stimuli and the appreciation and non-monetary rewards are the secondary reinforcing agents. Punishment serves as negative reinforcers while gratitude serves as positive reinforcers. People are inclined to different reinforcing factors based on their personality-type, the kind of environment they were brought up in and the things that are inculcated into their minds. The pleasure-pain principle suggests that some people are motivated better when they find pleasure in doing something, while, others may not indulge into an activity unless they find pain by not doing them. For example, getting ill due to over-eating and excessive weight gain is a negative reinforcing factor that will help an individual adopt a routine of healthy (adequate) eating choices and light exercising such as walking, etc. Reinforcement works differently in different environments. Some environments are better suitable for the positive reinforcement while the others are better for the negative reinforcement. However, in most of cases the positive reinforcement is considered more effective and useful (DeLeon, Neidert, Anders, and Rodriguez, 2001). The reinforcement of behavior is backed by some needs that can be personal, social or organizational. People even use these strategies for helping people with psychological problems since they are not able to  show response in normal conditions without induced stimuli. The stimuli in positive method should be such that they can be easily arranged as required. On the other hand, the negative factors should also not be too critical to result into a rebellious behavior of the subject. The common examples of positive stimulus or positive reinforcement includes but not limited to; offering gifts to children on getting good grades, paying extra amount for labor projects that were completed on time and/or increasing the salary of an employee or even promoting him/her. The example of negative reinforcement or negative stimuli includes but not limited to; punishing a child for not completing homework, asking an employee to sit late in office for not meeting sales target, etc. The type of reinforcement should not be selected based on the choices of manager, but, these choices should be made based on the behavior. Negative reinforcement should not be used unless the positive reinforcement factors have failed (Cosgrave, 2007). Positive behavior of an employee is desired not only to make the system efficient, but, also to get the job merely done in the first place. While reinforcing a behavior, the management of a company or the parents at home or the teachers at schools should be confident that the reinforcement agent will be effective in the long term. For example, it is not possible to promote an employee every time he completes a project or give gifts to the successful child every time he passes the exam and/or give the child candy every time he/she finishes his work on time. Secondary stimuli, making the contribution known and setting higher and more respectable targets can also serve as reinforcing factors that may be guaranteed in the long run. DeLeon, Neidert, Anders andRodriguez (2001) say that the positive reinforcement is very effective and has found to be helpful especially when positive behavior is to be evoked in the children with autism and other psychological diseases. Tuten et al (2014) say that friendly enforcement techniques are helpful for professionals as well as nonprofessionals. Treatment B.F. Skinners and many others have found that positive reinforcement is effective in evoking positive psychological behavior. Skinner described positive reinforcement in his mice study and it was a success. My clients (investors) believe in me, value and appreciate me, but, sometimes they try to assign me to tasks that are not related to my skills, and, I think they  tend to do this based on their perception of my capabilities and behavior. Sometimes, the work pressure is very high because I am given many tasks that are mandatory and need to be completed in a very short time frame and this make me feel stressed at work because (sometimes) because I work from home-all alone in the State of Georgia and the physical aspects of my job is located in other states (D.C.-Maryland area) and I have to rely on others to perform certain assignments in short time-frame. Therefore I suggest how reinforcement can be used in treating issues I face: Positive Reinforcement: I am requesting that my c ompany provide me with an office space in Maryland-DC area where I can travel to every other month. Also, my working hours should remain the same with some flexibility. Further, my company should allow me to hire a part-time assistant to help take care of some of the footwork, i.e., post court notices on doors, file legal paperwork in the courts, etc. Next, I perform better between the hours of 6am to 3:30pm and I would like to keep that schedule, if I can have an assistant. Therefore, I believe that if I am afforded the opportunity to work during those times that suit me then my performance will be 110% better. Negative Reinforcement: The management can announce that my salary will be deducted if I do not work for set number of hours every day. Also they can penalize me if for not completing my projects by its deadline dates which in return can also affect other projects in the company and lead to legal problems and loss of money. The negative reinforcement should be given only once in a while and it should not be introduced unnecessarily. What I wrote above is a good example of what I do as a Property Manager and I’ve described it in a way that would benefit me if I worked for an Employer. I am self-employed and my job can be stressful at times, so I hire local contractors in D.C.-Maryland area to help me achieve 20% of my work goals to reduce some of my stress. I think positive reinforcement is not only beneficial towards work-related behavior changes, but I would also suggest that people use positive reinforcement strategies to modify their own personal behavior as well. I would like to suggest that all of us should help others adopt these strategies, too. Conclusion Without controlling behavior, a person cannot successfully perform the routine tasks of life. It is sometimes not possible for an individual to  control his behavior and feel motivated. In such situations, external motivation factors are required that can be either appreciation or consequences for negative behavior. These positive and negative reinforcement factors should be used strategically because there are merits and demerits of each. I will prefer positive reinforcement because this will help me in feeling motivated and engaged. The negative reinforcement is connected to unpleasant feelings of shame and insult that will not be beneficial in the long run. Both individuals and organizations can use a combination of the two methods to get a positive outcome. References 1. Miltenberger, R.G., (2011). Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures. 5th Ed. 2. Thorndike, E.L. (1911). Animal Intelligence: Experimental Studies. NewYork:Macmillan 3. Cosgrave, G., (2007), â€Å"Negative Reinforcement†, Retrieved from: 4. Daymut, J. A., (2009), â€Å"Positive Reinforcement: A Behavior-Management Strategy†, Retrieved from: 5. DeLeon, I. G., Neidert, P. L., Anders, B. M., Rodriguez, C. V., (2001), â€Å"Choices between positive and negative reinforcement during treatment for escape-maintained behaviour†, Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 34(4):521-525 6. Tuten, L. M., Jones, H. E., Schaeffer, C. M., Stitzer, M. L., (2014), â€Å"Reinforcement-Based Treatment for Substance Use Disorders: A Comprehensive Behavioural Approach†, ISBN: 978-1-4338-1024-4

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Identify the statutory and voluntary agencies who may work together at the scene of an emergency incident Essay

P3 – identify the statutory and voluntary agencies who may work together at the scene of an emergency incident Statutory and voluntary agencies: Statutory agencies are services like the police, fire and ambulance. These will always join an emergency incident. However at some incidents they will be helped by voluntary agencies like: St John Ambulance – St John Ambulance is a charitable organisation staffed by trained volunteers. The organisation responds to hundreds of emergency incidents (including major incidents) such as floods, fires, road traffic collisions and train crashes. The service supports and assists those in need, and is an excellent resource in terms of trained staff, medical aid and emergency vehicles. It can also provide evacuation centres. The St John ambulance has helped the statutory agencies during the floodings 2007 in York. â€Å"Throughout June and July 2007 our volunteers worked tirelessly to help support communities hit by heavy flood waters. We have provided a 24-hour support with volunteers and vehicles in a bid to help people struck by the disaster and set up many rest centres for those evacuated from their homes†. As you can see St John Ambulance makes a huge difference when they help the other emergency services at a major incident as it says above ‘set up many rest centres for those evacuated from their home’. By them doing that they have helped out the police services which saved them plenty of time. British Red Cross – The British Red Cross is a voluntary organisation that provides all sorts of things for example: First Aid, Emergency Response, Heal and Social Care, finding missing family, preparing for disasters and last but not least refugees support. During an incident the organisation can provide emotional support, support with the care of children and pets use of  shower and toilet facilities, provision of toiletries, clothing, light refreshments, use of a telephone and last but not least first aid. â€Å"As a leading voluntary organisation for emergency response, the Red Cross has thousands of specially trained volunteers who provide a range of services to people in emergencies, including practical and emotional support and first aid services. The Red Cross also has well-equipped fire and emergency support service (FESS) vehicles which play a vital role in supporting local fire and ambulance services. Before the flooding began, we launched a co-ordinated response to help vulnerable people across areas threatened by flooding in the UK. Our response included: Evacuation, staffing rest centres, support to the statutory services, distribution of emergency provisions, support from across the organisation, supplies and information. The British Red Cross have done a huge favour not only to the public but to the statutory agencies by supporting them on first aid and evacuation ECT. In my opinion without the British Red Cross it would of been ten times harder to solve the major incident, not only that hundreds more of casualties would of died if it weren’t for the British Red cross. Mountain rescue – Mountain rescue, a voluntary service that is train to rescue people who may have an accident it the mountain or lake area where there is limited ways to contact anybody for help. The Mountain Rescue team has supported the statutory agencies during the Grayrigg train crash at 2007. â€Å"Mr Farron, MP for South Lakes, said: â€Å"It’s only fitting that Network Rail’s fine goes to help those who were first to provide assistance on the night. Sadly it is all too true that these wonderful volunteer services do have to hold out a hand for windfalls and without them they could not survive†. As you can see the mountain rescue team was a huge support. It been said above without them they could not survive that proves a point that mountain rescue team is a hard working and organised organisation. Bibliography Bourley, A. (2012, May 24 ). GIVE MOUNTAIN RESCUE TEAMS GRAYRIGG FINES CASH, SAYS CUMBRIAN MP. Retrieved october 8, 2013, from newsandstar: Dymond, H. (n.d.). Emergency response. Retrieved 10 8, 2013, from sja: Gray, D. (2010). oublic services level 3 btec nationals book 2. Society, T. B. (2007, august 2). How the UK floods crisis unfolded. Retrieved january 10, 2013, from redcross: